Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lets #bee honest...

Don't u hate it when a drunk says Lets be honest?  In other words lets abuse you.  My turn!  Lets be honest.  You are the biggest POS  God mad since hitler.  You slander me, withhold food and money.  Pay no bills and not tell anyone.  I hate u.  You were the biggest mistake of my life!  * PSA ...Never live with a drunk!  They get worse over the years.  He is extremely mean and lies.  Lies like a rug, casey and Jodi rolled into one.  Lost 4 sets of keys...his moms too.  I worry cuz he blames me.  You Lost all 4 sets because u r a drunk!!! You play games and im done begging. Im sitting here quiet, but I will pounce on you.  Strike when you least expect it.  I hope you die.  You stopped being human months ago.  14 mos of torture and abuse. 57 pgs I foto'd today.  Go to hell ..take  evalina with you...xx

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