Saturday, September 14, 2013

i love...

that Shanna Moakler 's location is... IN Bed, on twitter.  Every day, I hear from a certain someone that, I stay in bed, all say.  I laugh, because you cant imagine all the things, I get done, from the bed!  I work and that is 3/4 of the day.  I also do all the cooking, meal planning and list making.  I REalize the extra hours I spend on Google, researching recipes, is an added plus. I Google the healthy foods and serve them.  I do all the dishes, mopping, animal care, laundry,  more mopping.  I bathe the #dog every week and that makes more laundry, I wash separately, of course. I clean the bathroom everyday especially since,  he sprinkles baby powder everywhere.  I mean everywhere! I clean out the microwave and keep up with the kitchen. I REcycle. I help with my granddaughter and feed all the animals in the world.  (my Prayer)  Work comes first.  So  back to bed I go...xx  #tote

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