Monday, March 25, 2013

Free Nesting craft kit...

to celebrate my book...i gather nesting supplies for kids and and #birds comes in Reusable #tote  Happy Spring!  xx

Mid summer's nightmare xx

I saw a show where a man claimed to murder his wife in his sleep.  Apparently he was not the first husband to make that claim.  It made me remember that i too had walked in my sleep, as a teenager, many years ago. When i awoke i was upstairs on the balcony in my night gown.  I'm not sure why i woke up, maybe a chill, or perhaps i bumped into a railing.  I went down stairs and my dad was in shock, my mom hysterical, hugging me over and over.  Anything could have happened, i could have fallen or walked half a block to busy Melrose Ave. The thing that was weird, was while i was sleepwalking, i was dreaming.  In my dream i was across the street, upstairs at a neighbor's Apt. They lived on the third floor, in a security building. with an elevator.  Luckily i didnt try and cross the street...not that i know of, at least.  So there is my story...sweet dreams  xx #hope #read #love #family #dream

Monday, March 18, 2013

Muffin Monday xx

AnotherLunch found this today ...cute  xx Looking forward to creative fun...#yum #Family #recipe #love

Thursday, March 14, 2013


When my youngest was little he loved #BettyCrocker potatoes. My #mom was an amazing cook but made those boxed potatoes for him.  I make them now, for the memories.  Also on #MeatlessMonday they make an easy, inexpensive dinner. I recently started adding ingredients.  I tried creamed corn, green beans and bits of orange bell pepper, with a dash of paprika. Yesterday, i didnt have i went to the fridg and took out buttery spread pacs  from bee con't  xx

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

#1 of what? xx #Twilight

Our 11 yo wanted to watch The Twilight movie.  We have not seen any of them...yes, i know.  My Daughter heard the newest one, was way too graphic.  There is a baby- making scene that a local  #DJ was very #excited about!  So, we start watching and my daughter explains that the numbers are backwards...123, 321 like in Star Wars or Star Trek (sorry, John).  WE watch the wedding while we chat about old is she, how many movies etc....what is the year...??? We wonder?  Hit the info button... OMG this is the one she should not see!  Hit exit... thank God.  Close call...xx  #family #love

Monday, March 4, 2013

Following @susanmurphyinc...

on twitter...always something new.  fashion tips and comments with @Insession.  Real life friends with Tori Spelling @torianddean and on twitter.  #TeamTori and  #TheGourmetDad . Tweets with @CelebrityChitt2 #AnimalRescue  #DomesticViolence @MeatlessMonday... SAbrina SAys...Song of day... Condiment of week...#YardSale #buzz.... #Inspiration   #Hope  #New Products  #Celebrity  #Embroidery  #vintage #eco  #tote #towel  #bib #themes #book #read  #Christmas #feed  #love #spring #nest  #family #recipes .#humor  #smi  xx    est. 2005

Jewish Girl Does Lent...xx

I heard of Lent growing up and thought it was for Catholics.  I was surprised when our Methodist pastor mentioned Lent.  I almost panicked.  What do i give up?  What if i fail? Six long weeks, as we prepare for Jesus.  I wanted to do it right.  My family had suggestions for me, as to what i should give up.  There were many possibilities.  I thought of sweets and chocolate. Vanilla creamer, perhaps.  I thought of Doritos and my crime shows.  Which one?  Maybe both?  Hmmm ...  So, that's what i did. I gave up Doritos and crime shows!  Even if i did 3 weeks and 3 weeks, it would give me a lil wiggle room.  Failure was not an option!  Three weeks in, im ok without my Doritos. Waiting on Jesus and my first crunch on Easter Sunday  xx  #love #family #DJ #nest #book #special #hope

Saturday, March 2, 2013

#REality #Embroidery xx

My #towels going out to #REality #Celebrities like Tori Spelling @Torianddean and  Amber Rose...with our good friends @CelebrityChitt  #tnx  #love  #family #hope  #smi #smile   

beeneewee... xx #book #smi...

My book will  #bee in a giv-a-way too! #tnx  #CelebrityChitt   * DJ's Special Tree  #read  #baby  #love  #family #bump #hope  #smi

Gifting with #love xx

Gifting with Celebrity Chitt...Phaedra Parks...#baby #boy #reality #love  #family #hope  xx #beeneewee #smi #embroidery  est. 2005

Meatless Monday or...

If u cant do a dinner, how bout lunch?  If u cant do lunch, maybe breakfast or holidays?  I think a vegetarian holiday is especially meaningful.  I'm hoping for a vegetarian Easter! I will put my hoof down today and say...we will save a life this Easter  xx  #hope  #animals  #love #MeatlessMonday  #beeneewee  #recipe  #book #Easter