Friday, September 20, 2013

Bullied! xx

Just because you are grown, doesn't mean you don't get bullied.  I get bullied every night by a tyrant. I live in constant fear he will show up and something is amiss.  I hear for hours what a horrible person I am.  I know it's not true, but I still hate it.  I told my granddaughter....I know I am a good mother, grandmother, person and friend.  I work and pray to get out of this situation ASAP.  It was the worst year of my life.  Luckily the 11 years before were really, really  bad, and I got stronger.  #Betrayed Still it takes it's toll.  I do not REspond, but write everything down, on paper.  Try to one can make you  feel bad w/o your permission.  #Bee strong ... someone loves you...xx  #faith

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