Friday, January 21, 2011

Dr. Essa

It's hard to call Dr. Essa a Dr. Knowing that he poisoned his loving wife with cyanide. He sent her Volvo Suv into traffic as she died. No regard for human life what so ever. He didnt care who he hurt as long as he could be free of his wife Rosie. Rosie was planning another baby, he was planning her murder. How could things be so off? This man has been compared to Scott least Rosie's baby didnt have to die, too. Leaving two children without both parents is bad enough as he spends the rest of his life in prison and then hopefully, hell! xx PS. I will always remember RoseMarie with love and pray for this family!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Suze,Oprah and Octomom oh my! xx

I landed on Oprah by accident. I had no idea Nadya Suleman was on. It took me a minute to even catch on to what was happening. I did feel for her and her kids. After all, they are innocent. The whole thing is kind of weird and twisted, as she doesnt want help, but now all sorts of help and offers will come pouring in....while i was in the shower even i had the thought...that Nadya can carry Totes for me! I can pay her, i can help her! xx PS. i hope to see KATE Gosselin raked over coals, like that one day! One can only wish, lol xx one day

OUR Wedding Planner! xx

Whenever i think of my wedding, i think of my wedding planner. Alice was a sweet women but we didnt get the wedding we wanted. We had great ideas that she shot down. It was 1976 after all. Who ever heard of black Roses and girls carrying the rings? Twenty years later the planners are jumping thru hoops of fire. It's their wedding... the motto would be. Not in 1976, not Alice, not for us! xx

Look Back! xx

New Tote........can save you time money and heart ache. I taught myself to LOOK BACK as a kid, as i got off the bus. I never lost anything, not an unbrella, not a kid, phone, lap top. So I thought i would embroider....LOOK BACK cause it's something good to know and do! xx

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Death xx

Death is never welcome. Death does not RSVP. Death does not make reservations. Death simply shows up! xx

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All New all the time! xx

Along with Caps, Tote Bags and Bibs i will be expanding to include #towels! Let the fun begin! xx

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The king Family

All my life i wanted to be part of a big family. I use to watch The king family when i was growing up. Four sister who sang and their large fanily. I dont know what i was thinking when i hoped for a big family. That maybe we would show up sing a few bars of harmony and go home?? xx