Friday, July 17, 2015

Prince Logan

So very happy for Lisa Hochstein...she is a mom! She released a couple pics and then boom... Hermes! Baby Logan surrounded by orange Hermes boxes. I did have many thoughts right away with my ADHD. Baby up shop...where is mom...behind the scenes? There was an earlier foto of Logan on his Hermes blanket. H is for Hochstein Lisa Hash tagged H is for Hermes. Then came the million orange boxes with the baby. Apparently, orange is the new black. People were offended and Mama Lisa spoke up defending, her brand new cub! All On Instagram. I did think it was a lil weird...and then asked myself what if it were blue boxes from Tiffany's? Yes that might have been better, blue for a boy. Perhaps more inviting and more personal, to me. I guess the idea was, he is a gift! That... he most certainly is...ox #reality #mamabear #family #love #behindTheScenes #Totebags

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