Sunday, December 27, 2015

Stand up...

to bullies Hillary Clinton just said. I do try and stand up to my bullies but I keep getting hurt. I did put it, in it's place. I put it where...bad things happen to good people... people get killed, people you love will hurt you, life is really hard, people are very mean. In other words, no good reason. No answers. The thing is, the timing was always off. A lie gets around the world, before truth gets her pants on. She was back in TX when the check came back from the bank. We pulled up dozens of emails, dozens of lies ... I was cyber bullied! I should have called the cops, but I thought they would fix it, somehow. I am over it 99.999 % I just want my money back. It was stolen from my mother, while she had Alzheimer's. I blame myself for not protecting her. So many emotions...betrayal, guilt, anger many layers to sort life was ruined and I slowly had to rebuild. Never got my life back. I will never love anyone like that again! No act of kindness goes unpunished! Lessons learned...I could write a book! >>>> $300 Next: no grey areas... rebuilding my life ox #ministry

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