Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ward sister's Dance

I went to the same dancing school as Mary Tyler Moore.  Not at the same time, though. I remember seeing her picture on the wall. I read her autobiography years ago and she mentioned the Ward sisters. She gave them credit for making her a star! I had the opposite experience... I was tortured and abused! There were three of us fatties and I guess Ms. Ward could not handle it. After we danced our lil hearts out, she would pounce! Here we have the three fatties, she said. I tried not to breathe hard or move. One two three she pointed with her cane! I tried not to cry. The sweat and tears would mix and puddle up. One time I went to my mom for a tissue. She screamed at me n called me a baby for crying. She is not crying, my mom spoke up she is sweating, she said. Ms. Ward is lucky my mother didn't get up and kick her ass! We never went back. I don't know what was wrong with her, instead of building me up, she tore me down. Xx #idance  #bully #abuse #maryTylerMoore