Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Sending straight man to grocery store.  * *FROM the cell phone* *   1- There is no French Roast Coffee 2- I cant find zucchini, use any squash...aren't they all the same???  xx   and... where is  my couscous?!  #gifting

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tori Tori Tori

I try not to say my friend's name too often. You know #NameDropping ....but have u seen #REality shows lately? Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Louis ...xx #REality @torianddean  +Bethenny  #PantyDropping

Sunday, October 20, 2013

so sorry so slow

I tweeted about my grocery dilemma, thought it would be a funny thread. It was so slow, I probably lost my audience, if there was one.  The cable bill ... was must faster...........Here we go...*I asked, did u pay the bill? His answers... in 30 minutes or less.  1- did u?  2- it was fine this morning 3- it's not the bill, I called. 4- it's ur kids coming over. 5- I pay the bill every month 6- I know when it's due. 7- I went to the store and it went out.  It was a yes/ no question he never answered.  He went to jail, came home, the next day. I chose my words carefully...can we pay the bill today???  ok, he said...  Finally !  PS I thought the M-I-L posts would #bee interesting, as almost everyone has had a M-I-L  xx

Friday, October 18, 2013

bee'n up 2,34...

Working loving Celebrity Pet Gifting. #Halloween #Hannukah   Still supportive of friends n causes, on Twitter.  Tori, animals, Domestic violence.  Missing persons....Lunch Trucks! Still creating, writing, marketing, feeding animals. I tweet, RT and  fave, sometimes all at once. Still eco friendly #REality ... #tips  &  I'm on the hunt for Judie Byrd or her family...  #love xx  #book   #Next... off to Hollywood!  #ruff  #fun #Dogtown


WHAT happened...why was Christina voted off?  I blame myself. How could this happen?  I even thought, maybe it could be for ratings! A Publicity stunt!  Now I feel, it was just too many good people and good dancers.  I was torn, myself and voted all over the place. It will be a year Remembered , that's for sure...xx #dance...#tote

What Celebs & others are saying...

about Susan Murphy inc and Celebrity Pet Gifting ...*Tori Spelling- sweet n creative  *Anthony Bergeron- always #excited  *The Guncles- we enjoy our #giftings  *Yennifer Behrens- Sweet *Steven Anthony Lawrence -We loved it all!  *BJ at Antique Junkies-  Susan IS hard working, that's for sure!   awww   #tnx guys! ...xx

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Inspirational Stone

BOGO Free and Free Shipping...*One side says TURN... what's on the other side?  You won't know till you order!  Great #Gift  #Christmas #Hannukah #Birthday  xx #original #creation from #smi  $20*

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ill take the Pest...

Martha vs. Bethenny....Bethenny said to Martha.. I thought u  didn't  like me!  Martha responds I didn't...I thought u were a pest.  I had several thoughts. Here are two. Ill take the pest and...   if that's what it takes to  make it...xx #DoIt

Judie Byrd...

even if u cant cook...u can use cute dishes... xx

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A simple life...xx

I try to keep my personal life simple.  Who am I kidding?  My work life is more complicated.  I write because, I write.  I'm the person who writes on napkins in a diner.  I can't always read my own writing.  or make sense of my notes, but I try.  I write because maybe you will read something I wrote, and want to read more.  #complicated

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Letters to my mIL...3

When I heard you wanted to hear from me.  I only had one thought....your son was loved.  I already wrote a blog, on Café Mom, several years ago.  I wish I could tell you that, but even that simple phrase could cause trouble.  I wish I could tell you I still have cats for you and John.  Maybe you heard lol.  When people complain, I just say I have cats for #John and #Grandma #Ruth meow    The End xx

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Half a taco...

I am praying for the safe return of Madeleine McCann.  I also cant help but have these feelings. Maddie is one of three kids born with the help of IVF.  Her parents are lovely, albeit, naïve people who apparently, did not get the following memo:  "You are parents, your life is over"  I thought of this the other night.  My meme asked her daughter for a taco. You know those lil ones, w/ steak?  Two bites, maybe three.  Anyways she handed her #mom half a taco. That's it! We laughed.  Maddie's  folks went out to dinner, as you know, and someone took their kid. Someone said lets leave the kids alone, and no one said ...wait, that's not a good idea.  I don't want to make them feel bad, im sure they have REplayed it over n over in their minds.  Apparently, they didn't trust a baby sitter, and checked on the kids every 30 minutes.  I cannot fathom them leaving the door unlocked. When I heard that, I screamed at the tv...were you trying to lose them???   Thirty minutes is a long time for three toddlers.  I don't know if the room was child proofed ...is that a word?  Good lord there are plugs and knives and hot water....the mind wanders off to a not so pretty trail. Going to two restaurants, alone, in peace, is not an option, you have right now. You could have hired a sitter and brought them all to dinner.  Anyways, hindsight is 20/20....xx #love #book

Dre Mee's REcipees ...

and #tips.  This is inspired by #meme who hates to track down ingredients. O meme! These are 2 ingredient. recipes...*plus!  Dinners and snacks #tips from Judie Byrd, Cafe Mom, etc . 1-Beans n franks, *plus mustard  2- Jam on cream cheese, *plus crackers  3- Sauerkraut  n  colbas  4- Ganache: heavy cream n chocolate, *Plus everything :)  5-Green beans n corn,  2/1 ratio ...my own, *plus pinch o' paprika (pop)  6-Cabbage n potatoes, *Plus rue ...#mom  7-Pie filling n ready crust  8-Apple slices n sausage links 9-Cold canned peaches with banana, with blueberries or warm as a side dish, *Plus dash o' curry . xx   #Bisquick #book #gifting

Sunday, October 6, 2013

God Knows...

if I got up at 3am...drove 2 hrs to work, pour cement 8 hrs... another 2 hours, for the drive home...I'd be too tired to say one word, to anyone! I'd #bee #dead on the #threshold xx #book

My Routine...

1-face yoga 2-isometrics 3-squats 4-invisible jump rope...my very own! xx #workout #Housework

Legal Shield

PIF thank God.  Sleep like a baby...how bout u? xx Buy or sell...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I thought it would #bee ok for a while. Especially since we are not together.  I knew better.  I knew we could end up like #JodiArias and Travis Alexander.  I stay back, I keep calm....but it's taking a toll...#Angels help me...

Hopeful n grateful xx

When he moved in, I hoped for the best.  It didn't take long for me to hate the situation. The lil things, the big things. He wants total control and is a  major bully. He tortures me for hours screaming lies at me. I hate the situation and now I hate the man. #angels  #totes