Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I REalize there is an E at the end...but I will leave that as it's name.  I wanted to mention all the thoughts in my head.  I woke up to Anna Duggar  talking about diapers.  As I went about my morning routine I wondered how many diapers Michelle Duggar has bought in her lifetime!?  Then i put on HLN news and they were talking about diapers!  How I in 3 #Singlemoms cannot afford diapers!  Then, meme tells me, about her group on #FB. There was a post, about a mom, who said she feels bad because her baby doesn't know, what it's like, to sleep, in a diaper!  That causes pain for both mother and baby.  Then, my mind shot back 40 years to High School where I learned about Indian Babies.  How they slept on boards and there was a hole under them for waste REmoval.  A miracle I wasn't day dreaming...and paying attention, with my ADHD.  All of this and more came to #bee Papoos Potty..sketches to follow.  #RE   #eco   xx  Susan Murphy on @Quirky

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