Monday, March 4, 2013

Jewish Girl Does Lent...xx

I heard of Lent growing up and thought it was for Catholics.  I was surprised when our Methodist pastor mentioned Lent.  I almost panicked.  What do i give up?  What if i fail? Six long weeks, as we prepare for Jesus.  I wanted to do it right.  My family had suggestions for me, as to what i should give up.  There were many possibilities.  I thought of sweets and chocolate. Vanilla creamer, perhaps.  I thought of Doritos and my crime shows.  Which one?  Maybe both?  Hmmm ...  So, that's what i did. I gave up Doritos and crime shows!  Even if i did 3 weeks and 3 weeks, it would give me a lil wiggle room.  Failure was not an option!  Three weeks in, im ok without my Doritos. Waiting on Jesus and my first crunch on Easter Sunday  xx  #love #family #DJ #nest #book #special #hope

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