Sunday, November 27, 2011

Murray Christmas xx

This is about a dog named Murray and a warning to all pet owners. Murray ate a bread clip and died. That was the sad part. The happy part is that he got to go home with the Spelling-McDermott's and was loved, at Christmastime. It's funny cuz just before i read that story in Uncharted TerriTori, i kept seeing bread clips in the kitchen, everywhere. * I even stopped and analyzed.... what art can be made from these?? A mosaic perhaps? Then i read about the danger of it all and wanted Murray, to save other animals, as it is Christmastime. We do not have dogs, but our cats eat plastic, or try to. We had to pull a plastic straw wrapper out of Bambi's throat! I pick up all wrapper's, bread clips,twist ties, cheese wrappers etc. So... Murray Christmas sweet angel doggie, you are remembered with love and you are a hero doggie for saving lives ! ruff ruff xx PS. 2012- update....*upcycle.....before it was called up cycle! Always ahead of the times! xx

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Feeding Animals...xx

There was a tweet from Simone Reyes about feeding animals, going vegan today. I tweeted back that i do feed wildlife! This winter I will kick it up a notch. I have many treats planned for birds and squirrels. Cheetos- Blue jays love them and it is so cute to see. Peanut butter bread-cubed. Dried fruit, apples,croutons and our new 12 grain bread. Squirrels eating popcorn is hysterical. It goes round and round like a steering wheel, leaving the center behind! Pine cones can be rolled in Peanut butter and cereal.......hung up high. I also put out bits of string and batting to help feather their nests! xx

Event Bags xx

Cloth bags for your events! Beautifully embroidered, long lasting Tote bag! Paper is less money, (not much) but is in the landfill days later. Along with your event ad. Cloth bags are more money, but will last for years and years! Your ad will live on and no landfill! xx

Rear View Mirror! xx

What's in your rear view mirror? Joel Osteen asked? In mine... there is pain, lies, loss, betrayal and poverty. I am so glad those issues are behind me...... getting smaller and ........smaller. xx

Your Windshield....xx

What's in your windshield? What's in your future? My windshield holds...God, work, money, family, Joel Osteen, Tori Spelling, Anthony, Jenn, Inventori LA, The White's, love and forgiveness!

Finally ever after xx

I would never say I am happy.........cuz then it all goes to heck. But....things are better for me, thank God. Ten and a half long years, I pushed and climbed, moving forward as fast as I could. Joel Osteen explains there is a 2 step fwd, 3 back. Oh good! I thought I was going to lose my mind. I learned patience, that's for sure! I had so many areas to piece together... like a quilt. Socially, financially, family.... so many set backs. I never gave up, I keep on going! I work hard and pray harder. I follow Joel Osteen...I made some amazing friends. Finally blessed, after all! xx

An Avon Christmas! xx

I was thrilled to hear from my Avon Lady, Lucille! Ninety years old and going strong! I prayed for her and worried about her! She did survive a bout of cancer, last year. Luckily those prayers were sent up for her. I missed buying Avon last year. I did order this year. I was so happy to hear from her, i told Dreama order anything you like! So, it will be an Avon Christmas this year.......and Lucille is our miracle! Thirty-one-derful years of Avon #Thank God xx

Theresa and the Trike xx

It was 1975 and my husband took me to meet his family. All of his brothers and their wives and kids. There was a bunch of lil ones and only one tricycle. All of a sudden, a fight broke out. Not between the kids, but the adults. There was yelling and screaming and some tears. Next thing i knew my husband went into the bathroom and shaved off his moustache! Not sure why........he was at his limit, could not take anymore. When things calmed down someone said...... we are always mean to the new wife the time it was Deni. Next it will be Susan, someone in the crowd yelled. NO it's not, said my one will be mean to Susan, we live in CA. OH John.........Susan was treated worst of all........xx

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where I shop?

for Susan Murphy inc.............Michaels for Totes,bibs and craft supplies. Chocolate and candy from Ralph's. Embroidery from the mall. I look for deals and sales to keep prices down, but only the best for Susan Murphy inc customers.......xx

National Adoption Day? xx

I wish i had a happy story to tell..........i wish i could tell you how i took a tiny, sickly, uneducated child and gave her a wonderful life. I did, do that. She did not appreciate it, so i moved on. It would be wrong to want someone that does not want me. Nineteen years ago she asked me twice, why did i adopt her. The five most horrible words an adoptive parent can hear. You go out of your do all the little extras and all the big things. You make the huge parties and go to Disneyland. You spend time baking cookies and having long talks. You rent the sax and follow the band in a parade. You have family hugs, silly nick names and try to form a bond that will last a lifetime. ........Nineteen years ago you tried to take it all away from me. But i held on like any parent would, giving you eighteen more years of me and my love. Why did i adopt you? I wrote it down once it is again: Because you needed a home. I wanted to see your beautiful face every day. I wanted to be a family with you. Papa said... i want her to be a part of our family. Because we loved you. xx

So Gay?!? So What!! xx

Last week on FB it said my son came out of the closet. People left confusing comments, as in, they were confused! I do not think my son is gay, and my reaction was nil. I had no thoughts or feelings about it. I should say that he does have 3 children, already. Meaning i do not have to worry how will he have a family. Other than that i had no concerns. I guess it's all about perspective and where you are in life. After the ten years i put in, here lately. It would not be a bump in my road.......i would just go on and not even bat an eye. I would not reflect, ponder, question, anything. I would simply want my son to be happy, just like any other parent! My thought of the day.....Susan Murphy inc

Saturday, November 19, 2011

All babies! xx

No! You wave bye- bye........Dont kiss me im busy.........Daddy made my pony tale...Sucker for blonds! Totes and bibs $25. Eco friendly, Est 2005 ...........Susan Murphy inc *free gifts, *free shipping xx

Cele'bebe xx

Baby celebs.........Oh the life! * Where's my Limo?......Paparazzi again!.......... Always the Co- star..........Available in large Tote with your choice of embroidery $35 from Susan Murphy inc xx

Celeb gifting! xx

Actor Anthony Bergeron seemed to really love his new Tote from Susan Murphy inc. Method Actor joins No Comment.....Props...... Hair and Make up! Anthony will be appearing with Tori Spelling in her Reality show, new season begins November 29! On Oxygen channel. Inside Anthony's Tote was Starbucks and a new movie script! A gig is the best gift of all...........xx

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Religion and ratings xx

When watching the Duggar's....i was sorry that Jason fell. I thank God he is ok. I saw Josh texting in the waiting room. Josh is well aware of the ratings for their show. If i were writers on The Soup i would have showed Josh in the waiting room and his text would read.........Jason fell, in the hospital, ratings should be through the roof! JK xx

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reality bits xx

Bits and pieces......rooting for Bill and Jen. Praying for Giuliani and Bill. Happy Tori and Dean will start up again... a few re runs are filling up my DVR. I have not followed many shows this season. A bit of Duggars, especially in the morning, my time with God. I cant believe i started my biz with Farrah in mind, and then i read in Uncharted territori she came thru Tori's psychic reading. Chasing Farrah... Must be some connection there......xx

In all Reality xx

What's real, who knows? I have stopped Keeping up with the Kardashians. Im afraid the wedding may have been the shark jump for me. What will happen to Kim? Will she have a break down, real or not? I just dont get it. Kim worked so hard to make us forget the sex tape and now we are back at the beginning, doing something, anything for money. What about love, marriage and things being real. Im afraid for some, the lines are blurry. xx

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What people are saying...

You've got a good eye...Jen at Inventori. We need more supportive people like you... Anthony, Actor. Fab Mama! Says EV Vintage designer. Hot off the press.... Susan Murphy inc xx